How to Integrate Video Content Marketing

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While “moving pictures” have been around for more than a century, video is experiencing a social media renaissance. Over the past few years, you’ve likely noticed the relatively sudden shift from text to pictures, and from pictures to video. Every social media site is dominated by the medium, even those previously exclusively text-based (I’m looking at you, Twitter). And that’s how today’s art of online video content marketing was born.

But with so much online video, how can you make your video content marketing stand out (for the right reasons)?


We’ve all done it… sneaked a peek at our phone for a minute of distraction during the work day. But for those of us without actual offices, open floor plans and low cubicle walls make it hard to be discreet. Even outside the office, on the train during your commute or at the gym while on the treadmill, no one wants to be the person with loud noise blasting out of their phone as they watch a video. So, we watch things on mute. In fact, 85 percent of Facebook videos are watched without sound. The social platform techies and savvy marketers recognized the problem and adapted by adding subtitles, which is now increasingly easy given the capability of automation to pick up voice audio and translate into real-time closed captioning. Subtitles not only allow viewers to enjoy video content marketing in quiet places, but increase video viewing time by 40 percent.

Live Stream

Live stream is one of the newest and most cost-effective forms of video content marketing. Studies show people simply prefer live-streamed video over staged video. Additionally, while countless hours of editing are often required for just one short piece of video content marketing, live streaming happens in real-time. Once the live stream is set up and shot, that’s it: It’s out there for everyone to see. Not only does the real-time aspect save editing time and money, it also ups the ante on authenticity, which is critical in an age when trust in brands is declining.

Virtual Reality

VR is a still-emerging frontier, allowing users to become fully immersed in an environment and giving them more of an experience than other forms of video content marketing. While there is certainly a “wow” factor to VR, only a third of people have tried the technology. But as VR technology continues to drop in price, it’s expected that it’ll soon reach the masses. VR video can be captured using a 360-degree camera and played with a VR headset that attaches to a smartphone, meaning an investment of under $1000.

Start thinking about how you can incorporate these video content marketing trends into your communications plan and improve your brand’s exposure and recognition.